Info ministry’s steps to flourish journalism, uphold July spirit

Information and broadcasting ministry have taken several initiatives for development of journalism, producing and broadcasting documentaries on fallen fascism, July revolution and upholding the mass uprising’s spirit in the last hundred days of the interim government.
The ministry’s major steps include decision of repealing the Cyber Security Act that has been used to curb press freedom, focusing on bringing logical reform to Journalists’ salary structure as well as the moves to review the cases filed against journalists and bestowing financial aid on martyred, injured and journalists in need.
The ministry has prepared and forwarded the list of journalists injured and martyred during the July mass uprising to the Bangladesh Journalists Welfare Trust for providing financial aid along with forming an eight-member committee to review the cases filed against journalists after July 1 last.
Following the ministry’s directives, Bangladesh Journalists Welfare Trust has already provided financial assistance of Taka 2.36 crores to 350 journalists and introduced an initiative to give scholarships to the meritorious offspring of Journalists.
Besides, the ministry has reconstituted a number of committees including the National Film Advisory Committee, Bangladesh Film Certification Board, Board of Bangladesh Journalist Welfare Trust, jury board for adorning National Film Award 2023 as well as formed a search committee to propose qualified candidates for various boards and committees.
To uphold the spirit of July revolution, ministry’s each institution including Bangladesh Television (BTV), Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS), Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) and Department of Films and Publications (DFP) successfully completed some programme while several others are under process.
Bangladesh television broadcast a number of documentaries including ‘Agamir Bangladesh’, ‘The diary of fascism’, ‘the stories of suppression’ and ‘the screaming of martyrs’ families’ and programmes on ousted fascist government’s suppressive activities and corruption, and the story of July revolution.
In a bid to create awareness among people on corruption and instill the spirit of building discrimination free country, the Mass Communication Department carried out a wide range of activities like mikings, screening of 527 documentaries and films, and arranging 119 courtyard meetings and 173 music programmes.
Bangladesh Betar’s major programmes in the last 100 days include broadcasting documentaries on fascism and state reforms, discussions on building discrimination free country, musical ceremonies on Chatra-Janata’s movement, Jari Gaan on money laundering, market syndicates and reforms, and other programs on youth’s activities during post uprising period.
State run national news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) have published 141 news and feature stories on the martyrs and injured persons in the July uprising along with releasing 140 reports on ousted fascist government’s corruption, suppression, killings and crimes against humanity.
PIB will publish two editions of Nirikkha, a journal related to mass media and journalism, highlighting Anti-discrimination student movement, chief advisers’ speeches and different aspects of media and journalism along with publishing 20 feature stories on martyred students, graffiti and student’s role in traffic management.
Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute (BCTI) organized a seminar titled ‘the activities of BCTI to build discrimination free future Bangladesh’ with the participation of teachers, students and representatives from the ministry’s different offices.
Bangladesh Press Council held three view exchange meetings with media personnel and stakeholders to ensure good governance in media outlets eliminating discrimination as well as to make the press council a more effective, media friendly and discrimination free institution.
Moreover, the ministry has given directives to the Department of Films and Publications (DFP) to produce documentaries on ousted government’s all the misdeeds including corruption, suppression, enforced disappearance, politicization of different institutions, extrajudicial killings, elimination of freedom of expression, crimes against humanity, destruction of electoral system and recent killing.