Award distribution of Bangadondhu creative talent search competition & National Education Week-2022 in Chaipainawabganj district at Green View High School Auditorium

Abdullah Al Mamun: District wise competition result for Bangadondhu creative talent search competition & National Education Week-2022 declared in May 2022 and its celebration of distributing certificates and crests has been organized today 7 September, 2022 at Green View High School Auditorium by district education office and the prizes and certificates were distributed by Duty Commissioner of Chapainawaganj District A K M Galiv Khan, Principal of Nawabganj Govt. College, Chapainawabganj, professor Sankar Kumar Kundu and District Education Officer Md. Abdur Rashid. In this competition there participated so many students, scout leaders, scout groups, secondary school teachers, secondary school head teachers, madrasha teachers, head teachers, college students, college teachers, principals etc. In Bangadondhu creative talent search competition Jadid Khan, a student of Harimohan Govt. High achieved the best certificate in Language and Literature. Tajin Binte Reja, a student of Nawabganj Govt. College was awarded the best for competition in Mathematics and Computer. In this way certificates were distributed with 300.00 taka to every competitor from every category and subject. Every year this National Education Week is held throughout the whole country and so many students and teachers are rewarded for their special performance in various sections. Those who can perform their best they can be rewarded as the national prize winners. Upazila is the beginning to reach the top of the honorable place. After winning the Upazila prize, in the district wise fight the best class teacher for secondary school is selected Md. Mahbubul Alam, Senior Teacher (English), Harimohan Government High School. Professor Sankar Kumar Kundu, principal of Nawabganj Government College is rewarded as the best principal at college level and this college is rewarded as the best college at this Sadar Upazila. In this way from so many categories students and teachers are given the certificates and crests to their respective performances. Students are to compete with various types of songs, recitations, writings etc. Every year this competition is arranged by our government and students can have their chance to attend the competition to express their creativity. Our government is trying to reach our country to the level of the richest ones like Singapore, Thailand, America. These creative personalities will work heart and soul and take our country materializing our dream of our aspired Sonar Bangla.