Decision not to prosecute assault and harassment cases: Law Minister in Parliament

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Parliament reporter/
Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Advocate Anisul Haque said that the Election Commission has taken the challenge of organizing fair and peaceful elections. Among the steps taken by them are a series of decisions including smooth campaigning of all parties, curbing attacks on supporters of rival candidates and not filing harassment cases.
Also measures will be taken to make proposals to the government to create equal opportunities for all parties and not to file any harassment cases.
Law Minister Anisul Haque said these things in response to Mokabbir Khan’s question in the National Parliament on Thursday. Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury presided over the question and answer table.
The Minister said that the Election Commission has expressed interest in holding a participatory election with all registered political parties. The Election Commission is determined to ensure that the results of the elections are acceptable to all voters and most of the political parties, i.e. to make the elections acceptable, all activities are taken in accordance with the constitution, laws, rules and proper implementation.
He said that the Election Commission is independent in carrying out its duties and is only subject to the constitution and laws. The current EC has taken an action plan to make the twelfth parliamentary elections participatory, fair, transparent, impartial and acceptable.
The minister said that the Election Commission is already implementing action plans including dialogue with various stakeholders, redelineation of boundaries, preparation of voter list, establishment of polling stations, registration of new parties, to hold elections in a fair and beautiful manner within the stipulated time. Due to the obligation to vote by January 29, the necessary steps have already been taken with determination.
The Minister informed Parliament of the Election Commission’s decision on challenges and transitions. This includes- not attacking candidates, supporters, their houses, business establishments by rival candidate-supporters and taking prompt action as per law if so. Seizing illegal weapons, depositing legal weapons before elections. The EC will hold meetings with the heads of various ministries, departments, departments and law enforcement agencies of the government concerned with the elections and give instructions to take necessary steps to ensure that they carry out their duties sincerely and impartially in the elections.
Also appointment of Executive and Judicial Magistrates for strict enforcement of Election Code of Conduct and taking action against violators of Election Code of Conduct as per law.
Making necessary amendments to the People’s Representation Order and Election Conduct Rules, appointing qualified and impartial polling officers and appointing local and foreign observers to observe the election.