Kamalganj’s Daluachhara culvert is running at risk!

Kamalganj / Moulvibazar / Representative /
On the border of Adampur and Islampur Unions of Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar, one side of Daluachhara culvert has broken the connection with the road and has become impassable. Various vehicles are running with risk. A major accident can happen at any time.
Islampur Union entrance is 5.5 km. About 3.5 km of long median-UP office road has been paved. This is the main road for the movement of half a million citizens of the two unions. However, it is said that another kilometer of road work is already under process.
At the mouth of this culvert of the rural road, the ground beneath the road has shifted and created a hole. People are crossing during the day but fearing an accident at night. Various vehicles are running with risk.
On Tuesday, it was seen that pedestrians and vehicles are moving with serious risk. After searching, it is known that the entrance of Islampur Union of Kamalganj Upazila is 5.5 km. About 3.5 km of long Adampur middle – Islampur Union Office road was paved a few years ago. This is the main road for the movement of half a million citizens of the two unions. Upazila LGED department paved this road.
Talking to the local residents retired sub-assistant agricultural officer Purna Chand Singh, teacher Prasanna Singh, Saifur Rahman Sayel and Gauch Ali, it is known that hundreds of vehicles and pedestrians pass through this culvert built in 1991 on Daluachhara, half a kilometer from Mokambazar in the middle of Adampur for 31 years. moving Local Awami League leader teacher Dhirendra Kumar Singh said that the culvert constructed at a cost of Tk.365,000 in Daluachhara more than thirty one years ago could give way due to technical complications. After Moulvibazar-4 constituencies MP vice-chairman. This culvert was built next to Abdus Shaheed. At this point, the bottom soil on the west side of this culvert has created a hole and the remaining part has also become a tunnel. At any moment there can be great danger here.
Kamalganj Upazila LGED Engineer. Zahid Hossain said that he did not know that there was a problem in the culvert on this road. However, take necessary measures after finding the ground.