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Zaker ALi Shuva God created human beings with the ability to experience a wide range of emotions. From happiness to sadness, emotions are universal human experiences, transcending culture, age, gender, read more
Crew of the hijacked Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah from the Indian Ocean has been identified. Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah was captured by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Somali pirates
The Bangladeshi flag ship MV Abdullah, owned by the Bangladeshi private shipping company SR Shipping Limited, was attacked by pirates 450 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia on
Fine while selling lemons worth Tk 5 for Tk 13. The price of lemons in the market of Chittagong increased almost twice in a week around the month of
Arafat kader, Ctg A bloody body of a Polish citizen was found in a room of the elite Peninsula Residential Hotel in Chittagong. Police said he had injuries on
Rakib uddin, Ctg An organization called ‘CPRL’ Lab in Panchlaish area of the city was providing services without a license for a long time. chattogram district civil surgeon stopped
Many misdemeanors are going on using the security canteen Reporter: Arafat kader, ctg A pass card is required to enter through the gate of Chittagong port. which is created
List of 118 hospitals and 122 unlicensed diagnostic centers in Chittagong. Arafat kader, ctg The Health Department is being strict in closing unauthorized illegal hospitals and diagnostic centers The