Dr. 510 lawyer concerns about Yunus

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Nobel laureate economist Dr. 510 lawyers of the Supreme Court have made a statement against the open letter of prominent world citizens demanding suspension of the trial process of Muhammad Yunus.
Abdun Noor Dulal, Secretary of the Supreme Court Lawyers Association, made this statement through a press conference on Monday (September 11). The president of the association was present. Momtaz Uddin Fakir and other lawyers.
According to the statement of the lawyers, recently we have come to our notice of open letters written by several Nobel laureates, politicians, businessmen and civil society members of various countries, drawing the attention of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Dr. in the letter. There is a call for suspension of the proceedings of the ongoing cases against Yunus in various courts, which we consider as a clear threat to the country’s sovereignty and independent judiciary. As lawyers of the highest court of the country, we are deeply concerned about such undue interference in the judicial process of Bangladesh.
According to the rule of law and the constitution of Bangladesh, everyone is equal in the statement, it is said that if someone commits a crime in any civilized country, he will be tried according to the existing laws of that country, this is self-evident. We are Dr. In the case of Yunus, we have noticed that the aggrieved workers of his company filed a case against him in the labor court as per the existing labor laws of the country. The foreign nationals who signed this open letter unfairly bypassed the interests of the affected workers. He made a statement in defense of the interests of Yunus, which is very sad and unintended.
In the light of the judgment given by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, after the order to continue the proceedings of the case, foreign civil citizens Dr. By writing to the Prime Minister asking the Prime Minister to stay the proceedings of Yunus’s case, they have done a very despicable thing and this request also shows their disrespect for the judiciary of Bangladesh, which is not desirable in any way. According to these 510 lawyers of the High Court, there is no legal scope for the Prime Minister or the government to withdraw, postpone or interfere with the judicial process in an independent judicial system. In addition, Bangladesh as a signatory to the ILO and the UN Judiciary’s Declaration of Independence follows all relevant provisions with utmost respect and importance.
Honorable foreign citizens show due respect to the great freedom, sovereignty and independent justice system of Bangladesh. It is hoped that they will withdraw their statement on behalf of Yunus and refrain from interfering in the judicial system of Bangladesh.