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Press conference of the parents of the affected Madrasas in Palashbari

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Update : Saturday, August 5, 2023


A press conference was held in protest against the fact that Nazmulhaq Pradhan, the parent member of the madrasa, was threatened in various ways by the principal of the madrasa and the appointed gong, after complaining to various departments about the recruitment of security personnel with fake certificates of Madrasa Abu Bakkar Fazil Degree Madrasah, Palashbari Upazila, Gaibandhar.

Parent member Nazmul Haque Pradhan read out a written statement at the press conference in Mater Bazar on Saturday morning, August 5. At that time, the guardian members Abdul Malek, Khaybar Rahman, Palashbari Reporters Unity President Ashraful Islam, General Secretary Shahidul Islam and local dignitaries and local media workers were present.

In a written speech at the press conference, Nazmul Haq Pradhan said, I am Md. Nazmul Haq Pradhan, guardian member, Mater Bazar Abu Bakar Fazil Degree Madrasa and Md. Abdul Malek Mandal and Md. Khaibar Sardar are both guardian members of that institution. Earlier, I filed a case in the Gaibandha District Judge Court against the illegal recruitment process of this institution. The case is currently pending. In this case, while a fake school leaving certificate of Mr. Sunil Kumar signed by the headmaster is pending in the court, the principal and the recruitment committee of the institution formed an illegal recruitment board on 23/06/2023 and carried out the recruitment process by maintaining utmost secrecy and Mr. Sunil Kumar and Mishu appointed two (02) persons named Akter. If the matter is known later, we the parent members send the application form and necessary information to Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Upazila Secondary Education Officer, Palashbari, Gaibandha, District Administrator Gaibandha and Director General, Directorate of Madrasa Education, Bailey Road, Dhaka to cancel the recruitment board. Then suddenly on last 04/08/2023 Mr. Sunil Kumar, principal of this Madrasa and at the instigation of the recruitment committee organized a Shalis meeting for me near my shop without my knowledge and no local people attended the meeting except 2/3 Indian people. As Shri Sunil Kumar and people in Bharat started shouting that I got the job with a donation of 8,00,000/- (eight targets) and Nazmul followed me. My principal sir and the committee told me to collect Rs.8,00,000/- (eight targets) from Nazmul. Therefore, if 8,00,000/- (eight targets) is lost, then I will recover the money by filing a false case against minority community in the name of Nazmul.
Therefore, my request through respected journalist brothers, I am fully compliant with the laws and regulations as per the constitution of the government of Bangladesh. It was not and is not my intention to harass or demean anyone personally. I am currently suffering from depressed insecurities and anxiety due to false lawsuits and threats of attacks. Through you, I wish for a good vision of the procession.

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