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Dog bed on doctor’s table in emergency department

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Update : Sunday, March 12, 2023

Hossain Md Tariq, Ishwarganj (Mymensingh)

A picture of a dog lying on a doctor’s table and a patient’s bed in the emergency department of Mymensingh’s Ishwarganj Upazila Health Complex has gone viral on social media. After the picture went viral, the locals demanded justice of the officials due to negligence of duty. It is known that a person who did not wish to be named was admitted to the hospital with the patient last Friday night. Later, at around 1 am, the door of the nurses’ room for special needs was closed, so the nurse and doctor went to the emergency department and found no one. Meanwhile, he saw the dog lying on the doctor’s table and the patient’s bed. Instantly took the picture of this scene with the mobile phone. Later, when the patient recovered, he went home and showed the picture to his friends, who posted the picture on Facebook. The picture went viral in no time. In this regard, Upazila Health and P.P. Dr. Lopa Chowdhury was called on her mobile phone, she hung up saying to talk to the RMO. When spoke to RMO Zahidul Haque later, he said, ‘I have seen the pictures. However, a 4-member inquiry committee has been constituted to find out whether the pictures were taken in the present day or not.’ Upazila Executive Officer Hafiza Jasmin said, ‘The matter has come to our attention. The Upazila Health Officer has been asked to determine when the pictures were taken and take necessary action.’ Mymensingh civil surgeon officer Dr. Nazrul Islam said that the matter should be looked at first. Nothing can be said now.

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