Financial assistance Financial assistance to poor Syed Miah on behalf of the administration in Palashbari

The upazila administration has provided financial assistance for the treatment of a poor person named Syed Mia in Palashbari of Gaibandha district. Poor Syed Mia, son of deceased Fazlar Rahman of Girdharipur village of Palashbari town, was suffering from illness. Syed’s family could not treat him properly. So he needs help for treatment.
On Thursday (November 10) afternoon, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Kamruzzaman Nayan handed over Tk 7,000 to poor Syed Mia at the Upazila Nirbahi Officer’s office. Upazila Parishad Chairman Alhaj AKM Mokched Chowdhury Vidyut and Upazila Farmers League General Aminul Islam Papul were present.