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Devipaksha started today through Mahalaya

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Update : Sunday, September 25, 2022

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The ten-armed goddess, the destroyer of demons, the goddess of strength, the goddess Durga is coming to death – the day Mahalaya gave this message is Sunday. At the end of Pitra Paksha, the beginning of Devi Paksha. Mahalaya will be held in the morning through Chandipath, Mahalaya ghat installation and special puja. Mahalaya means counting the days of Durga Puja.

The word Mahalaya has a special meaning. Termination of pitra paksha or previous condition of devi paksha is called mahalaya. However, there is a difference of opinion in this regard. The word ‘mah’ means ‘worship’, and ‘mah’ also means festival. Besides, Mahalaya means Mahalaya with ‘great’ and ‘alloy’. With this ‘A’ adds the ‘alloy’ of worship. The word ‘alloy’ means ‘shelter’. Again, Mahalaya refers to the fatherland, where the heavenly ancestors reside.

According to traditional religion, Devipaksha is said to be the most auspicious day. All kinds of auspicious work can be done at this time. The tarpan to the ancestors will start from the dawn of Mahalaya. In Sanatan Dharma, it is said that departed souls come from heaven to mortal world. Many people pray for the well-being of their deceased relatives and ancestors. Tarpan is done by offering water-sesame-food to the ancestors. There is in mythology; Defeated by the power of the evil demon, the gods were thrown into heaven. All around evil glory. The gods came together to destroy this evil power. In the destruction of the power of the demon, the emergence of a great power was felt. Goddess Durga appeared from the rays of the gods. According to mythology, King Suratha first started worshiping Goddess Durga. As she organizes this puja in the spring, this puja of the goddess is also called Basanti Puja. But before going to rescue Sita from Ravana, Sri Ramachandra organized Durga Puja. So this autumn worship is also called Akal Bodhan in Hinduism. According to religion, on this day the gods and goddesses awaken themselves for Durga Puja. On the day of Mahalaya, the goddess is invoked in the temple through chanting of conch shells and chanting in the early morning.

According to the Pure Calendar, Durga Puja ceremonies will begin with Bodhan on October 1. October 2 Saptami, October 3 Ashtami, October 4 Navami and October 5 Vijaya Dashami.

According to Devi Bhagavata Purana, the future of the world can be understood by judging the vehicle used by Goddess Durga to come to the world and return to Kailash. Goddess Durga comes and goes on earth in 4 vehicles in Ekshatra. The vehicles are – gaj (elephant), ghotak (horse), dola (palanquin) and boat. Going back and forth to the yard is always considered auspicious. It is believed that in the coming days the world will become a field of crops. If it sways, it indicates inauspiciousness. 4 people carry the wave. This means that if people are not united, it will be impossible to have a bad time. It means drought, epidemics are waiting in the coming days. Coming to Ghota is not very auspicious. This means danger and destruction will increase. This horse is a symbol of war between kings. That is, the horse indicates getting involved in the war of different countries. Indicates instability in the political and social spheres. And if it is in a boat, it indicates the fulfillment of wishes. This means that there will be no shortage of grain in the world. At the same time, this vehicle also indicates the occurrence of floods.

According to Sanatan Biswas and Pure Panjikam, Goddess Durga will now come to Martyaloka (Earth) riding a yard for the well being of the world. And Devi family will leave Swargalo by boat.

Various temples and puja committees will hold various programs on the occasion of Mahalaya. Initiated by Mahanagar Sarvajanin Puja Committee, Dhakeshwari National Temple Melangan Central Pujamandap, Dhaka Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Dhaka University Jagannath Hall, Siddheshwari Temple, Ramana Kali Temple, Loknath Brahmachari Ashram and Temple at Swamibagh, Ramsita Temple, Jayakali Temple, Jaipur Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Bahubal in Habiganj Chandi Path, Chandi Puja and Special Pooja will start from early morning at various pujamandaps including Mama’s house Sri Sri Sachi Angan Dham, installation of Mahalaya Ghat and special pooja.

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