Fertilizer and seed distribution to encourage marginal farmers in Kumarkhali

Zaker ALi Shuva
Free fertilizer and seed distribution has started among small and marginal farmers in Kumarkhali Upazila of Kushtia to increase the production of summer moong and summer sesame crops in the Kharip season under the Agricultural Incentive Action Plan for the fiscal year 2024-2025. On Monday, March 17, at 11:00 am, at the Kumarkhali Upazila Parishad premises, the seeds were distributed by Kumarkhali Upazila Nirbahi Officer SM Mikhail Islam as the chief guest at the seed distribution program organized by the Upazila Agriculture Office, presided over by Kumarkhali Upazila Agriculture Officer Raisul Islam.
Kumarkhali Upazila Senior Fisheries Officer Mahmudul Hasan, Social Service Officer Abu Raihan, Ansar VDP Trainer Abdullah, Assistant Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer, journalists and beneficiary farmers were present at the time. It is said that 1,200 farmers were given 1 kg of sesame seeds, 10 kg of DAP, and 5 kg of MOP fertilizer, and 50 farmers were given 5 kg of moong seeds, 10 kg of DAP, and 5 kg of MOP fertilizer.