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Police Attack on Liton’s Massage Dera in Chattogram; Arrested 19

Rakib Uddin CTG 602 Time View
Update : Thursday, June 27, 2024

Police arrested 18 people including a leader of Swachhasebak League from a massage parlor called ‘Moonlight Salon’ in Mehdibagh area of ​​Chottogram city. Among them 9 women and 9 men. It is said that many influential people are lobbying the Chowkbazar police station to get rid of them.

On Wednesday (June 26) around 6 pm, they were arrested and brought to Chawkbazar police station on charges of engaging in anti-social activities. Md. Shafiullah (SI) led that rid.

According to sources, the massage parlor called Moonlight Salon on the first floor of a building located in the building of Mithai Showroom adjacent to the National Hospital in Mehdibag had been going on for a long time. Its activities start from normal afternoon till late night. Young women from different areas used to come and spend time here and leave again. 50 to 100 customers used to come every day. The cost per hour was 2500 to 10 thousand taka. Due to this many local leaders come and go here regularly, the residents of the area cannot say anything out of fear. It is owned by a person named Nishir Liton, but a person named Ferdous works as its caretaker.

Azizul Haque Aziz, general secretary of Sechsevak League, said that he has come to know about Sourav. Talked to the president to see if he is affiliated with our organization. If he does any such thing he must be expelled. When President Debu was contacted to inquire about this matter, he told the reporter of Morning Glory that he is looking into the matter.

Meanwhile, a police source confirmed that among the 9 arrested men is a leader of the Volunteer League. According to the source, a person named Abdul Qayyam Sourav, publicity secretary of Bagmaniram Ward No. 15 Swachhasevak League, has been arrested from the massage parlour. The source said that activists gathered at the police station on the news of his arrest.

On the other hand, Officer inCharge (OC) of Chawkbazar Police Station Wali Uddin Akbar said; 19 people have been arrested from Moonlight Salon Spa Center adjacent to Mehdi Bagh. He said out of the 19 arrested, 9 are women and 10 are men. When asked whether there is anyone from Sechsevak League, he told the reporter, I do not know whether any of the accused are the leaders of any organization when we went to the raid after receiving the information.

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