Onossor Pita” auspicious opening and discussion meeting was held

M. Iqbal hossain
CMP Deputy Commissioner of Police (Headquarters) Md. Abdul Warish (promoted to the post of Additional DIG) presided over the function, attended by senior officers of Bangladesh police from various police units located in Chottogram.
Today on November 18 in the port city, the auspicious opening and discussion meeting of the corner ‘Onossor Pita’, built on the colorful life and philosophy of the father of the nation, organized by the Chittagong Metropolitan Police to commemorate the memory of the greatest Bengali father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was held at the CMP Officers’ Mess located in Nasirabad.
Chottogram Metropolitan law-enforcement officer CMP Commissioner Krishna Pad Roy, BPM (Bar), PPM (Bar) was present as the chief guest on the occasion.
Chottogram Range DIG Nure Alam Meena, BPM (Bar), PPM and Daily Azadi Editor M.A Malek were present as special guests in the event. ; Bir Muktijoddha Mozaffar Ahmad, Commander, Metropolitan Unit Command, Bangladesh Muktijoddha Sangsad, Chottogram, Brave Freedom Fighter AKM Sarwar Kamal, Commander (Acting) District Unit Command, Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Sangsad, Chottogram also present in the programme.
Additional Commissioner of Police (Administration and Finance) MA Masud of CMP were also present on the CMP side; Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime and Operations) Mr. A. S. Mahtab Uddin, PPM-Service; Additional Police Commissioner (Traffic) Mr. Abdul Mannan Mia and other senior police officers.