Today in Jaintapur Gangesan Tarpan and Yajnaushtana

Jaintapur/ Sylhet/ Representative/
Like every year, this time also Ganga Bathing Tarpan and Yajnushtana of Sanatan Dharmlamibs have been organized at Taptakunda Tirtha located in East Balipara area of No. 5 Fatehpur (Haripur) Union of Jaintapur Upazila.
Today, 19th March 4th Chaitra 1429 Bangabd Sunday, Gangesan Tarpan and Yajnausthan will be completed. Gita readings and religious discussions have been organized at this historic pilgrimage site.
Madhu Krishna Troyodashi Tithi and Shata Bhisha Nakshatra will be completed on Sunday from 6:25 AM to 9:25 PM. Duryadhan Biswas, President of the Taptakunda Tirtha Sthana Management Committee, and Pulin Sarkar, General Secretary, have requested to attend the Ganga Bathing Tarpan and Yajnushtana on time for the benefit of all Sanatan religious followers of the country and abroad.
Sanatana Dharmalambi believe that tarpan-yajnanushtan is very important for the peace of the departed souls of the dead parents and relatives of the family through this Ganga bath. It is also possible to get rid of various infectious diseases.