Annual Sports Competition of Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd

Sylhet Bureau/
Annual Sports Competition of Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. was held.
On Saturday (March 11) afternoon, the prize distribution and cultural program of the annual sports competition was held.
Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd Chairman (Additional Secretary) SM Zakir Hossain was the chief guest on the occasion.
Managing Director of the company Md. Mizanur Rahman presided over the event.
The special guest at the event was the head of the Department of Geography of Dhaka University and the director of the company. Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan, Jaintapur Upazila Parishad Chairman Kamal Ahmad, Company Director Golam Mostafa, Director Syed Aptar Hossain Peer, GM (Accounts & Finance) Panna Lal Dhar, GM (Administration) Engineer Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan, Company Secretary Engineer Md Farooq Hossain, General Manager (LPM) Engineer Pradeep Kumar Biswas, General Manager (P&D) Engineer Md. Kamrul Islam Sardar, General Manager (Operation) Engineer Md. Abdul Jalil Pramanik, General Manager (RDM) Engineer AKM Alamgir Azad.
In the speech of the chief guest, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. SM Zakir Hossain said that through sports and literary culture, our new generation of boys and girls.
Latent talents are developed. To be a good citizen of the country, besides education, sports and culture are necessary. Sports refresh the body and mind of people. He said that every year Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. organizes sports and cultural programs for the physical and human development of their employees and their children. He called upon the concerned officials of the company to continue this continuity.
Deputy General Manager (Procurement) Swaroop Kanti Dewanji, Member Secretary, Manager (L&PR) Tarek Ahmad, President of Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. Employees’ League (CBA) were present and spoke at the function. Harun, Vice President Sahidul Islam, General Secretary Md. Abdus Sobhan, Jaintapur Press Club President Nurul Islam, Upazila Sramik League President Farooq Ahmad, Upazila Jubo League convener Anwar Hossain. Also, various levels of officials and (CBA) leaders of the company were present.
The event was presided over by Company Manager (General Administration) Md. Helal Uddin and Manager (CSR) Nidhu Bhushan Das.
In the event, the officers of different levels of the company’s head office Chiknagul, Haripur, Kailashtil, Rashidpur and Biyanibazar Fields and their children participated in various events of the annual sports competition throughout the day. Later, an interesting cultural program was performed by local artistes.