Distribution of blankets among backward communities in Kamalganj
Kamalganj / Moulvibazar / Representative /
100 high quality blankets have been distributed among the poor Shabkar and tea workers in Kamalganj of Moulvibazar.
Kamalganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer Sifat Uddin was present as the chief guest in the event organized by project Umta at the house of writer-researcher Ahmad Siraj at Srinathpur village of the upazila on Friday at 11 am.
Under the chairmanship of director ASM Sajedur Rahman and teacher Altaf Mahmud, special guests were Kiran Chandra Debnath, former upazila engineer of LGED, writer-researcher Ahmad Siraj and others.
In the event, 100 quality blankets were distributed among the poor people including the backward poor Shabdkar, tea workers.