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Journalists are the mirror of society: Minister Bir Bahadur

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Update : Saturday, November 5, 2022

Lutfur Rahman (Uzzal): Minister for Chittagong Hill Tract Affairs Bir Bahadur Ushwe Sing (MP) Said,Journalists are the mirror of society.A journalist organizes the important facts into beautiful words and publishes the news.Which is a transparent and clear image like a mirror.
The image or reflection of the society is seen by the people through the writing of a journalist like a mirror.A journalist who delivers objective news and reveals the truth is accepted everywhere.

Minister for Chittagong Hill Tract Affairs Bir Bahadur Ushwe Sing (MP) Said these things during the chief guest’s speech at the ceremony organized on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of Prothom Alo on Friday (October 4).

Emphasizing the training of young journalists,Minister Bir Bahadur said that media outlets can organize training for their own journalists on their own initiative.
Moreover,training young journalists through important journalists who are working in important news media in the country and outside the country will produce better journalists.The minister urged the press club to organize training for young journalists if necessary.

Buddha Jyoti Chakma,Bandarban representative of Daily Prothom Alo, delivered the welcome address at the Writers-Readers,Well-wishers gathering organized at the Bandarban Press Club Auditorium.

At The Time Bandarban Red Crescent Unit Secretary Amal Kanti Das,Bandarban Press Club President Aminul Islam Bachchu, Press Club General Secretary Minerul Haque,Senior Teacher Dilip Kumar Nath and other people from various professions spoke on the occasion welcoming the anniversary of Prothom Alo.

Rajesh Das,Adviser of Prothom Alo Bandhu Sabha conducted the program.Also present were Biswajit Das (Bappa),Bandarban District President of Prothom Alo Bandhu Sabha and many others.On the occasion of Prothom Alo’s 24th anniversary,a painting competition was organized in Bandarban Government High School premises.86 students from different educational institutions of Bandarban district participated in the drawing competition.
Minister Bir Bahadur distributed prizes among the winners of the competition.

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