Distribution of corrugated tin to roofs after flood damage

With the cooperation of Sunamganj’s roof donor organization Korea International Cooperation Agency and Good Neighbor Bangladesh initiative, wave tin has been distributed among 645 families affected by floods in 5 unions of the upazila.
M Mahbub Rahman, the upazila project implementation officer, spoke as the chief guest at the wave tin distribution ceremony at the Norai Union Parishad office of the upazila on Thursday morning. It was presided over by Good Neighbor Bangladesh Social Economy Unit Head Akhil Barai.
UP Chairman Dewan Pir Abdul Khaliq Raza, Senior Officer of Education and Health Joseph Siddiqui Siad and others spoke as special guests at the event moderated by Romeo Ratan Gomez.
Apart from this, members of UP along with family members of beneficiaries were present in the event.