Cash donation of Rs.5 lakh to Srimangal Heart Foundation

Senti Security Services Limited has donated five lakh rupees to Srimangal Heart Foundation of Moulvibazar. Srimangal Heart Foundation President Vice Principal Dr. Md. Abdus Shaheed MP and General Secretary Dr. Haripad Roy handed over a check of 5 lakh rupees to the officials of Senti Security Services Limited.
At this time, the managing director and CEO of Senti Security Services Limited was present. Hasnat Islam, Chief of Operations Major Md. Aftab Uddin, Better Bangladesh Chairman Professor Masud A Khan, Srimangal Upazila Parishad Chairman Bhanu Lal Roy.
Before this, the members of Srimangal Heart Foundation met in the conference hall of Srimangal Sadi Mahal and Srimangal Inn Hotel and Restaurant under the chairmanship of senior physician Dr. Sadhan Chandra Ghosh.