Tri-annual conference of Alikadam Upazila Swechasebak League of Bandarban is held

Bandarban Correspondent: Tri-annual conference of Alikadam Upazila Swechasebak League of Bandarban was held.
After almost 12 years,this conference was held on Thursday (September 29).Bandarban District Awami League General Secretary Municipal Mayor Mohammad Islam Beby was present as the chief guest in the conference.
President of Bandarban District Awami Swechasebak League Sadek Hossain Chowdhury announced the opening of the conference.
Organizing Secretary of District Awami League Chowdhury Prakash Barua,Acting President of Upzilla Awami League Md. Jamal Uddin,Upzilla Awami League General Secretary Dungdi Mong Marma,The Out Going President Shuvo Ranjan Barua, Member Secretary of Conference Preparation Committee Sajib Kamal were present on the occasion.
On this day,William Marma was announced as the president and Zamir Uddin as the general secretary To Lead The Alikadam Upozila Secchasebak League.
The speakers said that the volunteers league is the vanguard of public leader Sheikh Hasina.To make the organization stronger and faster,committees of Swechasebak League are being formed in every upazila of Bandarban.There is no alternative to the conference to organize the organization at the grass root level.
Speakers said,there is no alternative to Bir Bahadur in Chittagong Hill Tracts.The leaders expressed hope that the newly elected committee will perform its duties efficiently as a tool for the development of the enlightened Mountain Gems Minister Bir Bahadur.