In Shaistaganj, the festival of occupying the railway space is going on!

Jewel Chowdhury, Habiganj Representative/
In Shaistaganj of Habiganj, the festival of occupying railway space is going on. Recently, the railway authorities conducted raids and cleared the illegal structures. But after a few days, these places were once again taken over by the powerful.
Locals said that these illegal structures are being occupied by managing IDLB. And occupied shops and houses have illegal electricity connections. It is known that there are about 200 shops and houses on both sides from Kadmatoli to Laskarpur Rail Gate. They are paying monthly rent to Idøbio. Not only that, the shops in Shaistaganj railway junction are running with illegal electricity connections. A few railway employees including IDBO are taking monthly rent from them. Again, different signboards are being occupied and used in some places. For example, the names of cultural and labor organizations are being used.
Some railway officials, who did not want to be named, said that during the eviction, the leases of all the railway facilities were cancelled. Moreover, there is no rule for setting up shops as there is work going on at the railway station. However, these businesses are being managed by IDBO. And they informed the Director General of Railways about this. He also said that they will take action.