Expatriate families in Srimangal are accused of being framed with false cases

In Srimangal of Moulvibazar, an expatriate and his family members were accused of being implicated in a false case and framed.
This incident happened in Saharshri village of Mirzapur Union of Srimangal Upazila. It is reported that expatriate Subahan Mia is now in jail in a case filed by a person named Mia (50) of the area at Srimangal police station.
After investigation, it is known that Koish Miah became the plaintiff on September 19, expatriate Sobhan Miah and his relatives Aytun Miah (50), Ashiq Miah (35), Hasim Miah (40), Rezak Miah (42), Roman Miah (36) Milan Miah ( 52) filed a case accusing him of cutting bamboo and trees.
On Saturday (September 24), the accused in the false case accused Srimangal Thana Police Mirzapur Bit in-charge SI Md. Jamal Uddin and said that the case issued against them is completely false and baseless. We have a land dispute with Koych Mia. However, there were no incidents of bamboo and tree cutting or even fights. SI Md. Jamal Uddin filed a false case against us by taking huge amount of money from Koesh Mia. They said, SI Jamal Uddin recorded 3 cases against us in the last 15 days by taking money. They also said that Koesh Mia has mentioned in the statement of the case that we cut 50 bamboos and 10 trees of different species from her place. Moreover, accused no. 2 of the case expatriate Sobahan Mia or Koych Mia’s wife has molested her by pulling her hair and clothes. Accused No. 2 expatriate Sobhan Mia has been arrested and sent to jail without checking whether these things are true or false.
They also mentioned that we strongly condemn and protest against such scumbags framing us with false cases. We will take the matter to the court and ask the court to conduct a proper investigation and bring the real culprits to justice. No one should be unnecessarily harassed with false cases.
The nephew of Koyesh Mia. Shamim Mia says that we have not had any incidents like cutting trees, cutting bamboos or fighting here. My uncle Koesh Mia has filed a false case against them. Monir Mia’s son Tutai, another nephew of Koech Mia, said the same thing about this.
Muhit Pal, a local coach and former member, said that he knows there is a land dispute between Koech Mia and expatriate Chuban Mia Gong. However, we have not heard of any incident of cutting bamboo from someone’s land, trees or fighting.
Witness No. 3 of the case Machaddar Ali said that we are aware of the land dispute between Aytun Mia, Chuban Mia and Ashiq Mia. I have also heard of local settlement of this issue. However, I did not see or know anything about bamboo and tree cutting and fighting. He said that I am not even aware of the case in which I have been made a witness.
Mirzapur Union Chairman Michlu Ahmed Chowdhury said that the dispute over land has been going on between these two parties for a long time. Some Mia told me about cutting bamboo from her place but I don’t know anything about tree cutting and fighting.
The plaintiff in the case, Koch Miah, said, “Those whom I have accused have been occupying my record land for 25 to 30 years. He said they often cut trees and bamboos from my place. They stole trees and bamboos from my place and built houses. I have come to the law with no choice.
Md. Jamal Uddin, in-charge of Mirzapur bit of Srimangal police station, said that their allegations are completely false. I did not record the case by taking money from anyone or being overzealous. The complaint of cutting of bamboo and trees was received and the case was recorded after verifying the fact of the incident.