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Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Iftar and prayer mahfil was organized by Bishwamberpur Samiti, Sunamganj. The event took place on Saturday evening at Pansi Restaurant in Sunamganj town. The program was presided read more
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj The full committee of Biswamberpur Somity, Sunamganj has been formed. On this occasion, a meeting was held on Saturday evening at the temporary office of the association
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Farmers are spending busy time planting Boro crops seedlings in Sunamganj’s Haure. Boro plantations are flourishing in every haor of the district. Farmers are going down to
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Farewell dear teacher. From early morning, young students come to school to pay respect and love to their beloved teacher. Students and colleagues are all in tears.
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj The bridge built over the Shantipur river in North Baradal Union of Tahirpur Upazila of Sunamganj is not working as there is no connecting road. Until now,
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Farmers are benefiting from rice cultivation in Bishwamberpur upazila of Sunamganj. Bean cultivation has increased in various areas including Jinarpur, Chengbil, Dolura, Kapna, Guchchgram, Mathurkandi, Rampur, Mazair
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Former Minister of Planning and former Member of Parliament of Sunamganj-3 Constituency M.A Mannan got bail. Senior District and Sessions Judge of Sunamganj. Hemayet Uddin was granted
Dulal Mia, Sunamganj Hijalgach (Indian Oak) . A well-known tree of Haor region. It is a reservoir of natural beauty. In the stormy waters of the Haor stands the Hijalgach(Indian