An women dissolved body rescued

M Iqbal hossain, Chattogram Bureau
Naval police rescued unidentified an women half dissolved body from the bank of river Karnaphuli at kalurghat area of the Chittagong city.
Today Friday (23 February) in front of the Kalurghat police outpost the body rescued.
Sadharghat Navel police station OC Amanullah said, The women was like short in shape, age approximately 35 to 40.
The body was haf-dissolved. Yellow colour scurte (peticote), Dark brown dress (belaus) were wared in body. and two emity-gold bangles ware in hands.
He told more, To identified the women try to take the print of the finger but could not do it because of dissolver.
He also said to purpose of DNA test we reserved the sample teeth and hair. anybody claim as a family members whele we will handed the body. At the same time we send the body to CMC Morgu for Autopsy to identify is it Normal death or murder?