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Best preparation leads to desired success

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Update : Sunday, August 13, 2023

Dulal Mia

Greetings dear HSC and equivalent exam candidates. Your exam starts on Thursday, August 17. You are passing through a very important period of your life. The world is a testing ground. At every stage of life we have to face tests. You have to face this time with great confidence and courage. Make sure to use the time without worrying before the exam. Everyone wants good results in the exam. Desired success can be achieved only by giving your best. That is why it is best to prepare for the exam.

In view of Covid 19, the HSC exam to be held on August 17 will also be in the light of the revised syllabus. There will be an exam of 100 marks in each subject. Although the exam is supposed to be of 100 marks, it will be of 75 marks. Out of this practical will carry 25 marks and written part will carry 50 marks. Written part will carry 30 marks for Essay and 20 marks for MCQ.
Things to be careful about to do well in the exam–
* Candidates must take their seats in the examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Every candidate should fill in the circle on the answer sheet supplied with his examination roll number, registration number, subject code etc. in the OMR form properly. Under no circumstances should the answer sheet be written in the margins or folded for any other purpose.
* Candidates must pass Multiple Choice, Creative / Essay and Practical (where applicable) separately.
*Must have confidence. Think, you can do everything, you remember everything. You can write in the book. Whether you will remember in any situation; you will not suffer from the disappointment of being able to write. Have complete faith in yourself.

*The prerequisite for achieving good results is that the student is physically and mentally healthy. For this reason, the parents should also show a positive attitude. A good learning environment should be ensured for the students. Care should be taken for the child’s physical and mental health and should be supported, encouraged and motivated in every good work including studies.

* Care should be taken to ensure that there is no irregularity in the sleep and food of the student. Have a clear idea about the date, time and time of the exam. Keep yourself free from all worries. The necessary materials including admit card, admit card, pen, pencil, rubber, scale, calculator and geometry box must be placed in a white plastic file the night before the exam.

* All subjects studied by the student are important. So every subject should be given equal importance. Even at the last moment one must seriously practice in the main book. Just as question selection is important in getting the desired marks in the exam, it is also very important to be careful in giving correct answers.

*Decoration of the answer sheet is an important thing to attract the examiner’s attention. One and a half inches of space should be left at the top, half an inch at the bottom, one inch at the left and half an inch at the right. After writing an answer, start writing another answer with a space of one and a half inches. Handwriting must be clear and legible. Rubbing, cutting should be avoided as much as possible. It is better to use black ink ball point pen for writing.

* After receiving the question read the question very carefully one to two times. It is better to write answers to the questions in sequence. It is better to write the question number in the middle of the page in the exam book.

* Watch must be used during the examination. Mobile usage is strictly prohibited. Candidates cannot carry mobile / any device in any way. Candidates can use simple scientific calculator. Cannot use programming calculator.

* It is very important to be time conscious in the examination hall. Remember, answering full marks is very important. Each question should be timed and completed at least five minutes before the allotted time.

* Revision is an important thing in the examination hall. The entire answer sheet will be revised after writing. It can correct many unintended errors. As a result, getting the desired marks will be more assured.

Let the exam be completed in a fair and positive environment. Good luck to all.

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