Donation cheque and winter clothes distribution in Joypurhat

Nazrul Islam, Joypurhat
In the general meeting of Retired Government Employees Welfare Association in Joypurhat distributedchecks of Tk4 lakh 99 thousand 400 and winter clothes to 89 needy and poor members for education scholarship, one-time grant, general treatment, daughter’s marriage and help in natural calamities. District branch president Professor Abdul MottalebDewan presided over the annual general meeting held in the conference room of the city’s town hall 2nd floor office at 11 am on Thursday.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Mohiuddin Jahangir distributed donation checks and winter clothes among the destitutes. ZillaParishad Chairman ProfessorKhawajaSamsulAlam addressed the function as special guest.
Retired Principal Abdul Majedpresided over the meeting. In the welcome speech former accounting officer of Rangpur district MaqbulHossainShawkat presented audit report of financial year 2021-2022. Abdul Hai, general secretary of the association read the editorial report in the meeting.
The annual general meeting elected committee for the period of 2023-2025. Professor Abdul Mottaleb Ali Dewanwas elected president, former assistant agricultural officer AkramHossainwas elected vice president, former head teacher AkhtaruzzamanBachchuwas elected general secretary, joint secretary Abdul Hai,Ajit Chandra Chowdhurywas elected treasurer.The AGM elected committee of 17 executives. Around 200 general members were present in the event.