The terrible ‘political island’ surrounded by mystery!

Arun Sarkar//
People are now disorientated due to rising commodity prices and transport strikes in the country. The prices of daily essential products are being increased with just an excuse. Meanwhile, the transport workers themselves are causing their own danger as well as putting the people in great danger. People’s lives have become miserable due to the endless suffering of commuters. These riots are taking away people’s sleep. The opposition party BNP and other allied organizations have opposed it, but the government is not budging. The social and political situation in the country is turbulent. A huge number of people of the country are in dire straits. Some are unwilling to listen to others. When will the prices of everyday products that touch the sky in rural areas and urban areas be reduced, is the government responsible for this?
All around, there is ‘a lot of money, cattle full of corruption’. Someone’s power means luxurious cars and money of the country to be smuggled abroad. Instead of banks, crores and crores of rupees are found in someone’s house. Such a shadow has fallen in the mirror of the mind of the corrupt. The country’s banking sector is almost on the verge of bankruptcy. Political will is needed to reform the banking sector. But nothing is going right. There is also negligence in the investigation of whether the dealers of daily products are also walking on the path of corruption. Other departments of the government remained. Many government employees, despite enjoying all the benefits including salary and allowances, are surrounded by corruption. On top of that again bureaucratic complexity. No one can understand whether the country will improve or sink. Lakhs, lakhs of rupees spent on the inauguration of a bridge, what can be expected there. Even if there is a law on strikes and blockades, it is not enforced, and they are also suffering. In the present time, the devil has grown up with politics and transportation. The administration is acting as a puppet in the middle. Is the punishment of burning-crushing-drowning and suffering death our destiny? The terrible ‘political island’ surrounded by mystery!
With this addition of information and communication technology, we all have come a long way, including teenagers, young adults and young adults. Even in this digitalization era, the government has also skyrocketed the prices of agricultural products due to the modernization of agriculture. The cost has almost doubled. The fisheries sector is on the verge of extinction. Sustaining the steady progress of the fisheries sector is now a major challenge. The oil, gas and energy sector is booming. People from all walks of life are burnt to ashes in its scorching fire. Tension in the power sector. Half of the country is submerged in a sudden power outage. Now comes daily load shedding. There is no shortage of corruption in the health sector. There are more in the administrative sector. Even after increasing the salary, the situation is dire. Champions only to maintain their acceptance. But it is also true, the development that has taken place in the country is like ‘putting salt on the aunt’s head and eating plums’. Development and public administration salaries and allowances are being allocated by cutting people’s pockets. And the people fell into that trap. The country’s democracy is in exile. “ICT” is ready to spread the truth. Even though the opposition political parties keep saying these things, the rulers are not paying attention. But its negative impact is falling directly on the government. At present, the citizens of the country are also on the verge of becoming rebels. Just waiting for time who will attack whom?
Meanwhile, if you look at it, you will see that the Awami League leaders and activists have axed themselves. Because most of the candidates who were given the boat symbol in district-upzilla, municipal and union level elections have lost to independent candidates. Local level leaders did not seek any central guidance. The anger is prevailing at the local level as well. Many people were fascinated by this color-tamasha by grabbing money and excluding deserving candidates. The unity of the rulers has been broken. Besides, many senior tyagi activists of the country have been kept out of the party. Never get far with a jump group. Organizationally, this government party has an extreme leadership crisis. The Prime Minister alone is handling all the departments. A fragile situation prevails in the party due to interdependence. In addition, ministers-MPs do not give time in the electoral area, do not properly assess the local people, create division among the activists, make overly sarcastic comments about the opponents, look down on Islamic parties, go against the demands of the media workers by making the ICT law, in the elections. Many other abuses of power, including bringing back a healthy environment, will be tomorrow for them in the upcoming parliamentary elections. However, the opposition BNP has received several benefits. It goes without saying that after a long wait, they have at least gained public support. They advanced another step due to rising commodity prices and transport strikes in the country. BNP’s popularity skyrocketed. People think that Awami League has spread a web of revenge against BNP. The people have forgotten the burning. In the true sense, Awami League cannot understand that BNP will not engage in any kind of conflict now. Their aim is to stir up the political field and move the leaders and workers of their own party forward in a directional way. Awami League has to work hard to get out of this. It is very important to clarify your position by making concessions in some cases immediately.
Writer and journalist.