Mass rally cannot be prevented by blockade-strike in Sylhet: Salahuddin Tuku

Staff Reporter, Sylhet/
Central Youth Party President Sultan Salahuddin Tuku said that the transport strike was given in Sylhet to prevent the BNP rally, but the mass rally cannot be stopped by blockade-strike. Ignoring all obstacles, people will descend on the November 19 rally. Conspiracy false cases are being filed against hundreds of activists in different areas of Sylhet division.
At this time, he called for the cessation of harassment to make the peaceful assembly successful.
He said the above words while visiting the BNP’s divisional rally on November 19 at the historic Aliya Madrasa ground in Sylhet on Thursday (November 17) night.
General Secretary of Central Youth Dal Monayem Munna, Sylhet District Youth Dal President Advocate Mominul Islam Momin, Metropolitan Youth Dal President Shah Newaz Bakht Chowdhury Tarek, District Youth Dal General Secretary Maksud Ahmad, Metropolitan Youth Dal General Secretary Mirza Md. Samrat Hossain along with a large number of youth party leaders and activists were present.