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School teacher dismissed in Kishoreganj

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Update : Thursday, October 13, 2022

Latiful Azam, Kishoreganj (Nilphamari): The district primary education officer has dismissed the assistant teacher of Khamar Garagram Government Primary School of Nilphamari Kishoreganj upazila on the charge of false information.

According to the sources of District Primary Education Officer’s office, assistant teacher of Khamar Garagram Government Primary School, Surje Akhter got job as assistant teacher in Muktijoddha quota. But despite not being a close relative of Surje Akhtar, the freedom fighter’s fake granddaughter, Tamiz Uddin, a brave freedom fighter, became his grandmother and took that job. When the matter came to the attention of journalists after a few years of service, the journalists investigated whether there was any relationship between the assistant teacher and the heroic freedom fighter. Due to the news, the then Upazila Nirbahi Officer Roksana Begum (Current Sadullapur Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Gaibandha district) formed a three-member committee to verify the truth of the news. After finding the truth of the report, he sent the investigation report to the District Primary Education Officer through the Upazila Primary Education Officer and ordered to take action in that regard. District Primary Education Officer Nobej Uddin formed another investigation committee after receiving the investigation report. The inquiry committee also investigated and found the authenticity of the report and summoned Assistant Teacher Surje Akhtar and Freedom Fighter Tamiz Uddin as District Primary Education Officer. There, freedom fighter Tamiz Uddin managed the then chairman of Kishoreganj Sadar Union Parishad and member of UP to show Surje Akhtar as his granddaughter in the succession certificate of freedom fighter and he himself said that Surje Akhtar was his granddaughter. When there was controversy over the matter, District Primary Education Officer Surje filed a departmental case against Akhter and again assigned District Assistant Primary Education Officer Tajul Islam Mandal to conduct the final investigation. District Assistant Education Officer Tajul Islam Mandal wrote a letter to Chairman of Kishoreganj Sadar Union Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy on March 15 of this year in memorandum No. JP/Nil/2022/449 to further investigate and submit a report. After investigating for about 5 months about the relationship between freedom fighter Tamiz Uddin and freedom fighter Tamiz Uddin, assistant teacher went to Sit Rajib (Dundipara) area of ​​Sadar Union of Kishoreganj upazila and confirmed their relationship by recording the video statements of the local residents. According to local residents, assistant teacher Surje Akhter has no relation with freedom fighter Tamiz Uddin. Later, Kishoreganj Sadar Union Parishad Chairman Hossain Shaheed Sohrawardy submitted a 5-page investigation report to the District Primary Education Officer along with the video statements of the residents on September 7. The teacher was dismissed from his job on October 10 of this month after finding the truth of the report.District Primary Education Officer Nobej Uddin Sarkar said that after investigating for a long time, the teacher was dismissed from her job as the allegations against her were found to be true.

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