The story of the movie about a young man bitten by a snake, finally buried

Jewel Chowdhury, Habiganj Representative/
A movie story has been made about a young man bitten by a snake in Habiganj Sadar Hospital. The doctor initially declared him dead, but later he came back to life. Again Sapude comes and takes him and sweeps him to make him better. But Sapude could not save the young man despite chanting for a long time. There is a storm of criticism on this discussion.
It is known that Sumon Mia (20), son of Ali Sundar of Dakshin Sangar village of Makrampur Union of Baniachong Upazila, was called by his name at around 10 pm last Monday. When he woke up and opened the door, he felt a bite under his leg. As he writhed in pain, the family members came and inquired and he said that he had been bitten by a snake. Relatives were brought to Sadar Hospital with first aid. At around 12:30 pm, the doctor on duty at Sadar Hospital declared him dead. When Sadar started crying after hearing the news of her death, 30 minutes later when Suman Mia moved her arms and legs, the doctor came again and found her alive. Immediately he was given oxygen and two vaccines. At one point, the doctor confirmed that Suman was alive by doing an ECG.
Meanwhile, after being alive for an hour, he again fell unconscious. Then the same doctor said that he died. The doctor confirmed Suman’s death by doing an ECG again. Then an intern broker of the paramedic inside the hospital brought a bag. Sapuru comes and blows and says that he is alive. He has to be dealt with. Then the relatives took him to Sapur’s house as he said. Taking it there for a long time through various songs (O Bish Range Lamre, Kalia Nager also Bish Range Lamre) chanting tantra. As of Tuesday morning, Suman was alive.
But his liver and lungs were damaged by snake venom. So it was not possible to save him. It might have been saved if it was taken as soon as it was bitten. However, Suman was buried in the family graveyard on Tuesday evening after another doctor confirmed his death.
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