Distribution of tiffin boxes for mid day meal among students in jaldhaka.

Harun Or Rashid: Director Local Government Rangpur Division Md. Fazlul Karim was present as the chief guest to distribute tiffin boxes to the students of Bogulagari Government Primary School in order to start mid-day meal at Jaldhaka, Nilphamari on Monday afternoon.
On this occasion, the upazila executive officer of tiffin box distribution and parent assembly organized in the premises of Bogulagari government primary school. Under the chairmanship of Mahabub Hasan, Upazila Parishad Chairman Abdul Wahed Bahadur, Municipal Mayor Elias Hossain Bablu, Upazila Primary Education Officer Md. Noor Mohammad and many others.Later, he visited the popular Balagram South Government Primary School located at Balagram of the upazila and distributed tiffin boxes among the students and planted trees.