An 80-year-old woman died after drowning in Bahubale pond

An old woman named Monir Chan Bibi (80) died after drowning in her own pond in Bahubal. The incident took place on Saturday (September 10) around 12 noon in Hariteka village of Satkapan union of the upazila.
According to the family sources of the deceased, Monir Chan Bibi (80) left her daughter Ambia Khatun at home and went to take a bath in a small pond in front of the house. When he did not return after a long time after taking a bath, his daughter Ambia Khatun went to look for him and found him floating in the water of the pond. When Ambia Khatun started crying after seeing her mother’s condition, the people around came forward and rescued Monir Chan Bibi dead from the pond.
Later, local ward Awami League president Qaddus Miah and the Maimurubbis of the area reported the incident to the police station.
Immediately after receiving the news, a group of police led by SI Al Amin Ahmed of Bahubal Model Police Station went and prepared a report on the body of Monir Chan Bibi.
Local Maimurubbi and leaders present at the scene said that some leaders including reserved women members went for the permission of the District Magistrate, Monir really wants Bibi’s body to be buried with the permission.
Monir Chan Bibi’s daughter Ambia Khatun said, we are two sisters. We have no brothers. My mother is an elderly person. He drowned while bathing in the pond. But due to legal restrictions, we are sitting with the body of an 80-year-old old mother, the evening is approaching and the people of the village are moving in different directions. I don’t know how much more time it will take to bury.