An illegal sand truck ran over the feet of a first class girl

Moulvibazar Representative/
A killer driver drove an illegal sand truck over the feet of a first class girl in Srimangal. Meanwhile, the school girl’s leg was crushed by the truck. The classmates blocked the road in protest.
The accident took place on the morning of Thursday (September 8) in the administrative area of Srimangal Upazila Bhunbir Union. The child is Rumki Akhter (5), a first class student of Shiran Government Primary School of the upazila.
Rumki is said to be the daughter of Ismail Lashkar of Battal area adjacent to Akhtar. Later, with the intervention of the administration, the Kolmati students lifted the blockade.
According to eyewitnesses and upazila administration sources, while going to school in the morning, a dyna truck full of sand hit him, and his leg was crushed by the wheels of the car. Later, when the locals came forward, the driver of the truck abandoned the truck and ran away. Rumki Akhtar was first taken to the Upazila Health Complex, the doctor in charge gave first aid and later sent the girl to Moulvibazar Sadar Hospital for advanced treatment. From there, the girl was reportedly shifted to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital.
Meanwhile, Kabir Molla of the local area was carrying illegal sand with the truck, confirmed Pinaki Ranjan Dev, president of the managing committee of Shiran Government Primary School.
Dr. Moumita, the doctor on duty at Srimangal Government Health Complex, said that one of Rumki Akhter’s legs was severely broken. We gave first aid to the girl and sent her to Moulvibazar Sadar Hospital.
In this regard, Kabir Molla, a sand trader, said that the girl was slightly injured due to sudden running of Sand’s car. We will do whatever it takes to get the girl treated. He also said that the Chairman of Bhunbir Union, Abdur Rashid, brought the TNO, AC Land Saheb to give the case to escalate the matter.
When asked about this, Bhunbir Union Parishad Chairman Abdur Rashid said over the phone that Kabir Molla of the area was carrying illegal sand with the truck. The child’s leg was crushed by the reckless truck. Leg bones are out. I informed the upazila administration and requested to take necessary action.
In this regard, Srimangal Upazila Nirbahi Officer Ali Rajib Mahmud Mithun told CNBangladesh that they visited the scene after receiving the information. He said that regular cases will be filed against the illegal sand extractors. He also said that the upazila administration will bear all the expenses of the girl’s medical treatment. He urged the residents and local public representatives to cooperate with information against the illegal sand miners.
In this regard, the local residents said that the illegal sand extractors are causing serious damage to the environment by extracting sand from the agricultural land with machines for many years. Roads are crumbling because of them. The local people said that it is necessary to take quick intervention of the administration in this matter.