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Human chain demanding the place location for Netrokona Medical College

Munayem Khan, Netrokona
Human chain program has been organized in Netrokona demanding the speedy determination of the site for a medical college and the construction of infrastructure. On Saturday, from 11 am to 12 noon, the voluntary organizations Jan Udyog and Netrokona Education, Culture, Environment and Diversity Protection Committee organized this human chain program on the road in front of the Pran Kendra Municipality in the district town. In addition to the leaders of the organizations, leaders of various political, social and cultural organizations were present in the human chain. During the human chain, Jan Udyog convener Veer Muktijoddha Haider Jahan Chowdhury, Jan Udyog fellow Shyamlendu Pal, Root Development Program President AFM Rafiqul Islam Khan Apel, Zia Parishad President Sanaul Haque Masum, journalist AKM Abdullah, journalist Bhajan Das, Netrokona Education, Culture, Environment and Diversity Protection Committee Secretary Alpana Begum, journalist Kamal Hossain, Pallab Chakraborty, District Kazi Samity President Alhaj Shafiul Alam Chowdhury Jewel, poet Sohrab Akand, Netrokona Sahitya Samaj General Secretary poet Tanvir Jahan Chowdhury, District Tati Dal President Saif Uddin Khan Lelin, teacher representative Ekhlas Uddin Master, Sirajul Islam and Khairul Islam Faras, etc. spoke demanding the speedy determination of the site of Netrokona Medical College. The speakers in the human chain said that even though 6 years have passed since the start of the activities of Netrokona Medical College, no place has been determined for the college due to the indifference and negligence of the government policy makers and local administration. As a result, on the one hand, the education of the students is being severely disrupted as the permanent campus and infrastructure of the medical college have not been built, on the other hand, the future of the college has become uncertain. According to various sources, the process of canceling the college is currently underway due to financial crisis as the college is not making satisfactory progress. The speakers strongly demanded the interim government to quickly determine the site of Netrokona Medical College next to the main road and build infrastructure there to create a conducive environment for education.
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