Candidates interested in local elections before the national elections

At least four-five local government votes, three levels of local government (Union Parishad, Upazila Parishad, District Parishad) and two levels (Municipality and City Corporation) are in operation in urban areas. What will be the solution…?
Reform Commission in Chittagong
The Local Government Reform Commission Chairman D. Tofail Ahmed said that a proposal will be made to hold the elections of Upazila, Union, Municipality and City Corporation together.
In addition to the proposal to allow government employees to run for office in the elections, the cost will also be reduced. Otherwise, he also commented that ‘good people’ will not come to the elections.
On Sunday (December 29) afternoon, the Commission Chairman D. Tofail Ahmed made these remarks at a meeting with the stakeholders of the Local Government Reform Commission at the city’s Hotel The Peninsula.
Stating that the election costs will be reduced, the Chairman of the Reform Commission said, ‘Elections have become very expensive in our country. Expensive in two senses. One for the candidate and the other for the government. I have seen the information from the Election Commission. The elections held during the last government – upazila, union, municipality and city corporation – cost 23 thousand crore taka. 19 lakh people were appointed. It took 225 days. So this thing is very expensive, wastes a lot of time and creates an unstable situation, which disrupts work.
Commenting that good people will not be able to come to the elections if the cost is not reduced, he said, “A common saying is that votes will be bought and sold. Money is also spent during elections not only through the parliamentary system. To become a mayor, you have to spend in 41 wards. But this cost must be reduced from the elections. Otherwise, good people will not be able to come to the elections.”
D. Tofail Ahmed also said, “That’s why we can do it together on the same day by changing the law, then it will cost 500 to 600 crore taka. And it will only take 40 to 45 days. The election will be over in one go. If each election is held at a different time, there will be no connection with the government’s time, budget and plans.”
“The question of educational qualification is being raised everywhere. We are considering it unilaterally. But if it conflicts with the constitution, then it cannot be done. Because if there is no question of educational qualification in the national elections, then it will be difficult to bring it in the local elections. In that case, we will all discuss it together. Similar opinions are being found everywhere,” he added.
Stating that the issue of educational qualification of the candidates should be decided by the voters, he said, “The voters themselves have to decide. Among those standing here, I have educational qualifications, but if there is a lack of leadership or other qualifications, who will I select?”
Regarding the parliamentary system and the presidential system, he said, “We are getting many different opinions between the parliamentary system and the presidential system. Especially when members, councilors, common people and academicians—most of them are in favor of the parliamentary system. The chairman and mayor are opposing it. They are saying, if we do this, how will those who have been chairman or mayor for so long stand as members? This means that membership is being neglected from all sides. If the quality of members is to be improved, then a lot of changes will have to be made in who the members will be.
Regarding the proposal on the ‘no vote’, the commission chairman said, ‘The issue of no vote is a matter for the Election Reform Commission. I have said before that we have received many opinions on this matter. Many people have given their opinion in favor of no vote. Our commission is thinking that no vote can be kept. Because it will be a checkpoint. In our country, there is a history of 152 to 153 parliamentary seats being elected unopposed. If there is no vote, this opportunity will be gone. On the other hand, there are some people who are not going to the polling station because they do not have a preferred candidate. The reform commission is actively considering this matter.’
Regarding reserved seats, he said, ‘It is also not reasonable that the reservation system will continue for ages. That is why reserved seats will be on a rotating basis in the next three elections.’
It to be noted that all former chairman, vice chairman, members of the union want that the local government election must done before the National election.
CO shek Md. Towhid on behalf of Chittagong City Corporation regarding local government reform said that Chittagong City Corporation has to do various enforcement activities including eviction of illegal encroachment almost constantly, due to which they demanded a specific unit of the police, so that these activities do not get any more momentum.
At the meeting, DC Farida Khanom said, “In addition to building a people-oriented public administration, the administration should be allowed to work impartially. Those who have the skills and qualifications should be involved in the elections. To build a people-oriented administration, administrators should go to the people, listen to them, and solve their problems. Training and skill development programs for officials can be organized to build cordial relations with the people. We believe that the goal of this commission is to make the local government system a sustainable, participatory, and dynamic system.”
Chittagong College professor said “Responsible must have to check candidates previous history then we will get good leaders” he a part of opinion period indicate to Commission.
Also present at the time were members of the commission, Professor D. Ferdous Arfina Osman, Abdur Rahman, D. Mahfuz Kabir, Mashhuda Khatun Shefali, Professor D. Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Ilia Dewan, Professor D. Kazi Maruful Islam, D. Mohammad Zia Uddin newly appointed Divisional Commissioner of Chittagong, several executive magistrates of the district administration various type of journalist & others.