Joypurhat Sugar Mill begins Sugarcane threshing

Nazrul Islam, Joypurhat
The 62nd sugarcane threshing season has begun in Joypurhat sugarcane mill. The sugarcane mill authorities are setting a target of producing about 3 thousand metric tons of sugarcane by threshing about 55 thousand metric tons of sugarcane in the current season.
Joypurhat sugarcane mills MD Akhlashur Rahman said that to increase the interest of sugarcane farmers, the price of sugarcane has been increased this time. This time the price of sugarcane has been increased to 600 taka per quintal. Sugarcane will be purchased from outside centers at 587 taka. In addition, this time the sugarcane mill authorities have taken the initiative to increase the price of sugarcane through bank accounts.
The largest sugarcane producer in the country, Joypurhat Sugar Mills Ltd., has started the 2024-25 sugarcane threshing season with incurring a loss of Tk 53 crore last year. The largest sugarcane producer in the country, Joypurhat Sugar Mills Ltd., has lost Tk 402 per 1000 kg of sugarcane. The sugarcane threshing season has started at the largest sugarcane producer in the country, Joypurhat Sugar Mills Ltd. The 62nd sugarcane threshing and sugar production activities in the 2024-25 season will continue for 34 consecutive days. According to relevant sources, Joypurhat Sugar Mills Ltd. was established in 1960. Sugar production started in 1963-64. After independence in 1972, the government announced that this institution would become a state-owned institution. This mill, which is under the Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation, continued to make profit and loss for about 30 years after the start of the sugarcane threshing season. Then, after the 1994-95 sugarcane threshing season, the mill again showed its face of profit. The mill has to count losses every year. And this loss has increased and has reached a total of about 793 crore taka.
According to sources concerned authorities, 37,475 metric tons of sugarcane have been threshed in the 2023-24 threshing and sugar production season. 1,113 metric tons of sugar have been produced in this. There are still 370 metric tons of sugar in stock. In that season, 527 taka has been spent on the production of sugar per kilogram of sugar including interest on bank loans. And the cost without interest is 381 taka. The produced sugar is being sold in the market at a price of 125 taka per kilogram. Therefore, the loss per kilogram of sugar has to be calculated as 402 taka with interest and 256 taka without interest. In terms of loss including interest the total loss in that season is about at 53 Tk crore. In the 2022-23 season, the loss was at TK 69 crore.
In the current 2024-25 season, sugarcane is being cultivated on 3,020 acres of land. Out of these, the target is to harvest 55,000 metric tons of sugarcane. And the target for sugar production is 3,025 metric tons.Joypurhat Sugarcane Limited Managing Director Agriculturist Akhlashur Rahman told Amar Desh that sugarcane cultivation is increasing day by day compared to last season. Last season, 73 lakh 66 thousand taka was given to farmers as subsidy. This season too, farmers will be given subsidy. Sugarcane prices are increasing every season. On Friday (December 20), Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation Secretary Anwar Kabir inaugurated the sugarcane threshing and sugarcane production program. Speaking at the event organized at the Joypurhat Sugar Mills premises on this occasion, Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation Chief (SP) Goyash Uddin, Joypurhat Sugar Mills Managing Director Aklashur Rahman, Acting Police Super KMA Mamun Khan Chashti, District BNP Convener Golzar Hossain, Seniorr Joint Convener Masud Rana Pradhan, and Joint Convener Abdul Wahab.