In Joypurhat training and field day on quality sugarcane seed production and planting

Nazrul Islam, Joypurhat
A two-day farmer training and field day on disease-free sugarcane seed production and planting in Joypurhat is being organized by Bangladesh Sugar Crop Research Institute (BSRI), Ishwardi, Pabna at Joypurhat Sugar Mill Training Center from the morning of Wednesday and Thursday (December 18 and 19).
Later, a field day was organized by the farmers of Gopalpur village of Joypurhat Sadar Upazila where farmers can directly learn from each other.Aklashur Rahman, the managing director of Joypurhat chemical limited addressed the function as chief guest where Shahdul Islam, senior scientific officer and In-charge of the BSRI Joypurhat sub-center was in the chair.
Chief scientific officer of BSRI, Dr. Ansiur Rahman, Dr. Rezaul Karim, project director and senior scientific officer Dr. Imam Hossain, general manager (Agriculture) of Joypurhat Sugarmills Limited Tarke Farhad and additional agriculture officer Masud Parvez Palash were present, among others.
80 sugarcane farmers from different areas of Joypurhat district participated in the field day. Sugarcane farmer Aftab Udni is setting up a Bhit seed plot in Ishwardi-37 with the technical and financial support of BSRI. According to the results of the exhibition, the yield per acre from the said plot is 42 tons, whose market value is about TK 2.5 lakh. Aftab Uddin is benefiting financially from this.