Pushtoon movement; 3 days Jirga held

S M Masud Rana
After 9/11 attack, USA & NATO came to Afghanistan and since then, more than 70,000 Pushtoon people have been killed, bomb blusted, target killed, extra judicial killed, jet flight bombed. Around 35,000 Pushtoon people forcely missed. All these Pushtoon region business have been stopped and the markets are completely demolished. And continuously the Pushtoon genocides are still going on the same. Because of this, Pushtoon Tahafuz Movement (PTM) came in front in 2018.
On initial stage, this organization did contain only few students of Wazir People (Pushtoon tribe) and gradually it became bigger. Now around more than a million people are their members & supporters. They are not just from Pakistan & Afghanistan but from all over the world.
Many of PTM leaders killed in this tenure but eventually in July 2024, an important leader (Poet) named Gilaman Wazir has been killed. Then PTM leader Manzoor Ahmed has announced a grand Jirga (Court) on 11th October 2024. In this Jirga (Court), all the intellectual & mass people of Pushtoon community participated. In that, theyŕe going to take decision about killed people, missing persons, forcely stopping the business, demolishing markets, resources Pushtoon region like Oil, Gas, Electricity & other minerals. This Jirga has been held on 11th, 12nd & 13th October.
In the three-day Jirga, the leaders declared a statistics of loss of lives and property of the Pakhtun nation in all 25 years was presented with evidence as- 1) Number of major explosions in Pakhtunkhwa 9237, 2) The number of martyrs in the blasts is 76584, 3) Number of Elders slaughtered 1738, 4) Number of destroyed houses 200000, (5) Missing persons 6700, 6) Disabled persons in land mines 7538, 7) 200 destroyed mosques, 8) Block ID Card 200000, 9) Injured around is 230000.
As a matter of fact, the grand Jirga isn´t belong to Pushtoon in Pakistan & Afghanistan only but throughout all the Pushtoon community in the world. Recently Pakistani forces straight fired Pushtoon people who were in command to organize this Jirga. A number of people were killed and in jail.