Theft in Chattogram , thief arrested from Comilla and Dhaka area…

City Detective Police (DB) arrested two people in connection with the theft of Tk 18 lakh cash and 23-Vori of gold ornaments from a house in Doublemooring area of Chattogram city.
Deputy Commissioner of City Intelligence Police (Bandar-West) on Thursday. Ali Hossain said that they were arrested on Tuesday and Wednesday in Dhaka and Comilla.
DB officials said that they have continued the expenses of the previous case with a part of the stolen money. Another part was enjoying by dividing themselves.
According to the report of the case, 18 lakh TK cash and 23-Vori of gold collected by the couple Jasim Uddin and Rozina Akhtar for going to Haj on May 13 were stolen by the thieves. The previous day, they went to Dhaka with their family to participate in their younger son’s kerat competition.
The eldest son was at home because of exams. At night, when he went to sleep on the ground floor with his grandparents, the thief entered the third floor house.
Jasim Uddin filed a case at Doublemooring police station on the night of May 14 in this incident.
DB official Ali Hossain said in a press conference, ‘Ashiq was arrested from his own house after raiding Debidwar in Comilla. He was trying to escape.
According to the information given by him, Shakib was arrested from Banshal in Dhaka last night.
Two gold necklaces and a ring were recovered from both of them. Apart from this, TK-50,000 stolen from Ashiq’s mother-in-law and TK-1.5 lakh from Shakib’s mother were recovered, he said.
Ali Hossain said, ‘Sakib works as the head of this circle. At the age of 12, he entered the world of crime through theft. He became a violent thief at the age of 16. Create your own group. He then led 150-200 thefts in seven years. We had to speed up to catch him.’
“We are trying to find out if there is any other case against Shakib & Ashiq” he said.