Govt to procure 67.20 lakh MMBtu LNG, 95,000 MTs fertilizer

The government today approved separate proposals for procuring some 67.20 lakh MMBtu (Metric Million British Thermal Unit)LNG, 95,000 metric tons of fertilizer and 50 lakh liters of rice bran oil to meet the growing demand of the country. The approvals came from the 22nd meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) in this year held here today virtually with Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal in the chair. Briefing the reporters after the meeting virtually, Cabinet Division Secretary, Coordination and Reforms, Md Mahmudul Hossain Khan, informed that the day’s CCGP meeting approved a total of 34 procurement proposals. He said that following two separate proposals from the Energy and Mineral Resources Division, Petrobangla would procure some 33.60 lakh MMBtu LNG from the spot market from M/S Gunvor Singapore Pte Ltd Singapore with around Taka 557.72 crore where per MMBtu LNG would cost $12.98 while the Petrobangla will procure another cargo of 33.60 lakh MMBtu LNG from the same Singaporean company with around Taka 595.11 crore with per MMBtu LNG costing $13.85. Mahmudul informed that following three separate proposals from the Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) would procure some 25,000 metric tons of TSP fertilizer under state-level agreement under the 2nd lot from GCT, Tunisia with around Taka 91.11 crore, BADC would procure another 30,000 metric tons of TSP fertilizer under state-level agreement under the 4th lot from OCP, SA, Morocco with around Taka 110.96 crore. The BADC in another proposal would procure some 40,000 metric tons of DAP fertilizer under state-level agreement under the 4th lot from OCP, SA, Morocco with around Taka 206.35 crore. The meeting also approved a proposal for appointing the TH KoLN-University of Applied Sciences, Robertstrasse, Germany as consultant with around Taka 53.89 crore for the “Pilot Research Project on Irrigation Water Management and Web-based Agricultural Information System for Bangladesh” project. Mahmudul said following two separate proposals from the Ministry of Commerce, the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) would procure some 25 lakh liters of rice bran oil from Majumder Bran Oil Mills Ltd Jahsore and another consignment of 25 lakh liters of rice bran oil from Majumder Products Ltd Dhaka with a total cost of Taka 80 crore. The meeting approved a proposal for appointing the IT firm Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Company (IIFC) with around Taka 17.50 crore for providing smart services to some one crore beneficiary card holders of the TCB. The Cabinet Division Secretary, Coordination and Reforms, informed that the meeting decided to award the package number WD-02 to Spectra Engineers Ltd with around Taka 881.24 crore under the project for constructing road from Kalurghat Bridge to Chaktai Canal along the Karnaphuli River Bank. Following a proposal from the Bridges Division, the meeting approved a Taka 1,117.98 crore cost increase variation proposal under the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, 3rd revised. Mahmudul informed that the Directorate General of Family Planning would procure some 39 million cycle oral pils (3rd generation) from Reneta Limited, Techno Drugs Limited and Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd with around Taka 195 crore. Following a proposal from the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, the National Curriculum and Textbooks Board would procure some 5,65,4,526 books under 98 lots in 20 packages from 22 different publishers with around Taka 202.14 crore for classes of 1,4 and 5 for the academic year of 2024. Mahmudul said that in response to a proposal from the Ministry of Railways, the package number WD-2 has been awarded to M/S KEC International Ltd. India with around Taka 349.54 crore under the project for installation of 3rd and 4th dual gauge line on Dhaka-Tongi section and dual gauge double line on Tongi-Joydevpur section. The package number 16 under the Western Economic Corridor and Regional Enhancement Programme (WeCARE) Phase-1 has been awarded to the joint venture of Shamim Enterprise Pvt Ltd, M/S Jakaullah and Brothers and Md Mizanur. Mahmudul said the meeting also approved a proposal from the Road Transport and Highways Division for awarding the WP-02 package to the joint venture of Abdul Monem Ltd and QTCH, China with around Taka 891.59 crore under the project for Up-gradation of Sylhet-Tamabil highway into four-lane. The meeting also gave nod to eight separate proposals under the Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement project and three proposals from the Road Transport and Highways Division. Besides, the meeting also approved two cost variation proposals from the Ministry of Water Resources, one from the Ministry of Railways, and five proposals from the Road Transport and Highways Division.