In Habiganj city, the price of spices is sky high, fish and vegetables are not healthy

Jewel Chowdhury, Habiganj Representative/
In the markets of Habiganj city, the prices of various spices including onion, chili are sky high. Purchasing power has gone beyond the reach of common people. People of middle class family have to go to the market. Onion was selling at Tk 30-35 a week ago, now it is selling at Tk 80-90 per kg. Garlic was 80 taka, now it is 150 taka, ginger was 100 taka, now it is selling at 200 to 280 taka. Carrot was Tk 30 to Tk 40, now Tk 150 to Tk 200, pepper was Tk 300, now Tk 500 per kg, turmeric, coriander is the same. The price of fish and vegetables has also increased. However, buyers claim that traders are increasing prices through syndicates. Businessmen say otherwise.
He is making a profit of Tk 5-10 per kg because he buys it at an extra price. All demanded market monitoring.