The stock of corona vaccine is over, the third and fourth doses have been discontinued

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Online Reporter/
The Department of Health has announced the suspension of the third and fourth doses of the corona vaccine as the stock of the vaccine is exhausted. The program will be closed until the new vaccine is available.
Today, Tuesday night, the program manager of the vaccination branch of the department. Abdullah Al Mamun informed this information.
However, the first and second dose vaccination program will continue subject to availability of vaccination at the centre. In this case, Sinopharm and other vaccinations can be given. The process of introducing the third and fourth doses to meet the vaccine shortage is underway. It will take another 6 weeks to receive them.
The official said that the process of introducing new vaccinations has already started. One and a half months everyone has to wait for vaccination. Ahmedul Kabir, Additional Director General of the Directorate of Health, will present the details in a press conference on Wednesday.
According to inquiries, all types of corona vaccinations have been stopped at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University vaccination center in the capital. The third and fourth doses are discontinued at the National Ear, Nose and Throat Institute. Apart from this, several vaccination centers in the capital can be seen, most of the corona vaccination centers are lying empty. Duty nurses and health workers along with volunteers are spending idle time.
According to the information of the Department of Health, the government started the vaccination program in February 2021 to prevent the coronavirus. As of Tuesday, 15 crore 5 lakh 95 thousand people have received the first dose of vaccination across the country. After six months, the second dose is started. So far 13 crore 69 lakh 99 thousand 942 people have taken the second dose.
The third dose started in December 2021. It has been given to 6 crore 73 lakh 37 thousand people. 51 percent of people given the second dose have not yet received the third dose. The fourth dose started in December last year. 3 crore 17 thousand people have taken this dose.