BNP office vandalized, protest rally announced in Nayapaltan on December 13

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BNP will hold a protest rally in front of the party’s central office in Naya Paltan on December 13.
Party member Khandkar Mosharof Hossain said this at a press conference held at the party’s central office in Nayapaltan on Monday (December 12).
After December 7, members of the standing committee came to Nayapaltan office. They inspect every room.
Khandkar Musharraf, a member of the party’s standing committee, said at the press conference that the police and Awami League’s corrupt forces have carried out unprecedented brutality at the BNP office. Files and important documents, computers, hard disks, looted money, offices of all organizations were vandalized, even Ziaur Rahman’s mural was broken.
He said that the police carried out a surprise attack on the 7th. The way the attack was carried out is unprecedented in the world. There is no language to condemn. Arrested senior leaders from office. More than 400 activists have been arrested. The purpose of these arrests was to stop the December 10 rally. BNP has made its program as a moderate democratic party.
He also said that the government has prevented every gathering. The basis on which the government made this incident does not match with us. Playing as them but BNP does not believe in this game. The people are angry, the people have decided that it is not possible for the Awami League to bring the country’s situation back to normal. People don’t want government anymore. The behavior of December 7 proves that this government is a government of force. I have given 10 points. Those who will do simultaneous movement in support of these 10 points have also given a program. BNP will hold a protest rally in front of the Nayapaltan office on December 13 to demand the release of the activists.
Musharraf also said, I was able to come to the office yesterday, I am listing what has been lost. Then decide what to do. On December 10, the crowd was bigger than I expected. Then if the government calls it a failure then there is nothing to say. The government is disoriented, we don’t care what they say at any time. The people of the country also know that the government does not do what it says.
Abdul Moin Khan said that the aim of the 10th rally was to show the character of the current government to the people. The opposition is a part of the government, if they are wiped out there cannot be and is no democracy.
Gayeshwar Chandra Roy said that there is no wrongdoing that the workers of their party did not do on the 10th day on the instructions of the government. The government is appalling BNP by holding a peaceful rally. We will do the democratic movement democratically, and bid farewell to this government.