Distribution of fertilizer seeds and Agricultural inputs among farmers in Kumarkhali

Staff Reporter: Fertilizer seeds and Agricultural inputs are distributed among the farmers of family model nutrition garden exhibition in residential houses under the project of setting up of family nutrition gardens on uncultivated fallow land and backyards of residential houses in the financial year 2022-23 at Kushtia Kumarkhali.
On this occasion, Kumarkhali Upazila Agriculture Extension Department organized fertilizer seeds and agricultural materials distribution ceremony at Kumarkhali Upazila Parishad premises on November 29 at 11:00 am Under the Chairmanship of Kumarkhali Upazila Agriculture Officer, Agriculturist Debashish Kumar Das, Deputy Director Agriculture Extension distributed fertilizers seeds and agricultural materials. Directorate Kushtia Agronomist Dr. Hayat Mahmud. Kumarkhali Upazila Agriculture Extension Officer Raisul Islam was present at this time. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer Monirul Islam, Plant Conservation Officer Swapan Kumar Singh, Assistant Agriculture Officer Shahidul Alam. Apart from this, all assistant officers, employees and beneficiary farmers of the Agriculture Office were present. At that time, these materials were distributed among 287 farmers in the upazila.