Pooja Celebration Parishad Moglabazar and Dakshin Surma police station branch conference held

Staff Reporter/
Bangladesh Puja Celebration Parishad held bi-annual conference of Sylhet’s Moglabazar Thana and Dakshin Surma Thana branches.
The conference was held at Sri Sri Mahalakshmi Bhairavi Griba Mahapeeth at Shivabari in South Surma on Friday at 12 noon.
Under the chairmanship of Manmohan Debnath, Convenor of the Conference Preparation Committee and under the joint management of Member Secretary Nandan Chandra Pal and Joint Member Secretary Pinak Kar, the conference was addressed as the chief guest- Vice President of Bangladesh Puja Udjab Parishad Ed. Mrityunjoy Dhar Bhola.
The conference was inaugurated by the chief advisor of the Sylhet metropolitan branch Ed. Pradeep Bhattacharya.
The main speaker was Prof. Rajat Kanti Bhattacharya, Organizing Secretary of the Central Committee. Bangladesh Puja Celebration Parishad Sylhet Metropolitan Branch President Subrata Deb, District Branch Vice President Bir Muktijoddha Subal Chandra Pal, Metropolitan Branch Vice President Malaya Purkayastha, Vice President Pradeep Kumar Deb, Vice President Shivbrat Bhowmik Chandan, Sylhet Metropolitan Branch General Secretary Rajat Kanti Gupta, Co-Chairman of Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad Pradeep Kumar Dey, Joint General Secretary of Puja Parishad Chandan Das, Joint General Secretary Debbrat Chowdhury Liton, District Branch Organizing Secretary Shailen Kumar Kar, Puja Affairs Secretary GD Romu, Joint Puja Affairs Secretary Sanjeev Dutta, Joint Public Relations Secretary Ujjal Ranjan Chand, Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Parishad Moglabazar Thana Branch President Raj Kumar Pal Raju, South Surma Thana Branch General Secretary Apan Das.
Johnny Das Gupta and Shanta Mallick spoke on behalf of Puja Mandap, Akhil Sarkar, Joint Convener of the Conference Preparation Committee gave the welcome speech.
Condolences were read by member Pankaj Dev, Dulu Chakraborty, priest of Sri Sri Mahalakshmi Bhairavi Griba Maha Peeth read from the Holy Gita. The second session of the conference was held under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Branch President Subrata Deb and General Secretary Rajat Kanti Gupta.
At that time Moglabazar Thana Shaka and South Surma Thana Branch formed two separate committees under the leadership of Nahanagar Branch Vice President Malaya Purkaysh, Moglabazar Thana Joint General Secretary Debbrat Chowdhury Liton and Vice President Pradip Kumar Deb under the leadership of Joint General Secretary Chandan Das formed a coordination committee. . The two committees sat separately with the president and editors of the puja mandap. In this case, as there were multiple candidates in Moglabazar police station, the name of the president secretary was given to Subrata Dev, president of the metropolitan branch and general secretary Rajat Kanti Gupta, subject to discussion in South Surma police station.
Moglabazar police station president Manmohan Debnath and general secretary Biswajit Das and Dakshin Surma police station president Dipankar Das and general secretary Nikhil Malakar announced the names. Press release.