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Research Day 2022 is celebrated at BSMMU

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Update : Thursday, October 27, 2022


Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 4th Research Day was celebrated with colorful arrangements. On Thursday (October 27) at 8 am, the university celebrated the day with a colorful procession, research postering, oral presentation, meet the press, research awards and discussions.

Paying homage to Bangabandhu’s mural installed in B-Block at 8:00 AM, the colorful procession started from the front of B-Block of the University at 8:50 AM, circled Battala, TSC, A-Block D-Block, C-Block and ended at Cabin Block. Then from 8:30 in the morning martyr Dr. Medical researchers from different departments of the university participated in the scientific session and poster presentation in the meeting hall. 10 oral presentations and 20 poster presentations were made in the scientific session. Martyr Dr. at 10 o’clock. Meet the press at Milton Hall and at 11 o’clock Shaheed Dr. A discussion meeting was held on the occasion of the research day in the meeting hall. This year, 16 people including professors, associate professors, assistant professors, medical officers were awarded research medals or research awards from hundreds of researchers for their excellent research.

In the speech of the chief guest at the event, Honorable Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Architect Yafes Osman, MP said that there is no alternative to research to advance medical science in digital Bangladesh. If the trend of research is not continued, the country will lag behind. I believe that young doctors will be able to bring radical changes in medical science through development and progress through research.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Honorable Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Md. Sharfuddin Ahmed said, there is no alternative to research in disease prevention. One lakh crore rupees can be saved annually if only diabetes can be prevented. The Vice-Chancellor’s Award has been given to accelerate research activities at BSMMU. A new wave of interest and enthusiasm has been created among teachers and doctors in this university to do research. To fulfill their needs, an annual allocation of Tk 50 crore is required in the research sector. Already, the allocation for the research sector has been increased five times from 4 crore to 22 crore 40 lakh taka. In addition, 24 research doctors have been enrolled in the PhD course for the first time in the current academic year to accelerate research work. Faculty, doctors and residents of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University have earned 20 percent of the Integrated Research Award given by the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

The Vice-Chancellor also said that 70 million people were fed with the amount of crops produced in Bangladesh at the time of independence. Currently, 170 million people eat food from that same land. As a result of development in agricultural research under the direction of the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, there is a food surplus in Bangladesh. From this it can be understood that the impossible can be achieved through research. Acting Chairman of Bangladesh University Grant Commission Professor Dr. Dil Afroz Begum said that the University Manjari Commission will provide all possible support in the field of world-class medical education, medical services and research. In the speech of the special guest, BMRC Chairman Professor Dr. Syed Modachher Ali said that ethical part is very important in research. Therefore, ethical standards should be maintained in the field of research. Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA) president Dr. Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin said that it is possible to reach the desired goal in advancing medical science through research.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) Professor Dr. Md. Zahid Hossain said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has given great importance to research. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University is playing a leading role in the research of medical science in the country. The research activities of the university will be accelerated by observing research day. Speaking at the event, Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Dr. AKM Mosharraf Hossain, Vice-Chancellor (Administration) Professor Dr. Cheif Uddin Ahmad, treasurer Professor Dr. Mohammad Atiqur Rahman, Proctor Professor Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman Dulal. The event was moderated by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Fourth Research Day Celebration Committee Member Secretary Assistant Registrar Dr. Helal Uddin and assistant professor Dr. Mehzabin Haque. Deans of various faculties of the university, chairpersons of various departments, professors, doctors, officers, nurses, staff participated in the procession in these programs.

Meanwhile, the following studies were briefly published in Meet the Press:

Professor of Cardiology Department of BSMMU Dr. Chowdhury Meshkat Ahmed in his study-comparison of the prevalence and risk factors of coronary heart disease in urban and rural population of Bangladesh in a population based study showed that the prevalence of coronary artery disease was 0.65% in rural areas and 2.79% in urban areas. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of coronary artery disease between rural and urban populations. Significant increases in systolic blood pressure, abnormal glucose profiles, waist-to-hip ratio and LDL (bad) cholesterol and sedentary lifestyles in urban populations have been implicated in the study.

Professor Laila Arjumand Banu, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, conducted a study on the identification and mutational analysis of beta-myosin heavy chain (E-GOI) gene variants in adult Bangladeshi patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He showed that a total of 39 nucleotide patterns were found in the BMHC gene. Of these, 14 have acquired missense mutations, five of which have already been associated with cardiac inherited hypertrophic cardiopathy. Most of the mutations are heterozygous, with only one found in the homozygous state, he noted in the study. Dr Mariam Salwa of the Department of Public Health on Online Sexual Abuse in Bangladeshi Children and Adolescents. A contemporary mixed methods study found that 56 percent of male Internet users and 64 percent of adolescent girls had been sexually assaulted over the Internet. The incidence of cyberbullying among urban children is more than one and a half times that of rural children. Also, children who use electronic devices more and those who use social media like Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp and chatrooms are more likely to be victims of online sexual abuse. More than half of the children and adolescents participating in the study are not aware of the relevant laws. Inadequate practical knowledge of the Internet has been identified as the main cause of online child sexual abuse in this study. According to the information provided by the students and experts, three things are evident – 1. Lack of parental knowledge and control over the use of the Internet, 2. Lack of understanding of the incidence and consequences of sexual abuse and 3. Social Attitudes Toward Sexual Abuse.

Professor M Atiqul Haque of the same department has shown in his study of workplace violence against health workers in Bangladesh. The prevalence of workplace violence was (48%) and psychological violence (46.6%) which was higher than physical violence (5%), sexual violence (19%). Despite the high prevalence (48%), the reported rate of violence was significantly lower (27.8%). This study found a high prevalence of workplace violence among health workers (OiDong) working in upazila health complexes. Considering health workers as a driving force of the health system, it is very important to properly investigate workplace violence and take effective measures to reduce its occurrence in the future, he said.

The former chairman of the department of pedodontics, Dr. Jebun Necha’s study of the prevention of problems arising through basic oral hygiene and fluoride application in acute lymphoblastic leukemic (AHL) children showed that basic oral hygiene and fluoride application of AHL children prevented 74% of KSE caries and the remaining 26% showed no improvement or improvement in cases of KES. No change was observed and two differences were statistically significant. Dr. Ahmed Nazmul Anam compared monotherapy and combination therapy in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension with congenital heart diseases. The results of the study show that those with congenital heart disease DSD have a higher prevalence of pulmonary arterial hypertension and monotherapy in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension regardless of age or gender. No statistical significance in sildenafil or combined therapy / sildenafil + busentan.

Dr. Pediatric Hemato Oncology Department. Jamil in his study on the role of prophylactic probiotics for diarrhea in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia observed diarrhea in group A in 14 (35%) versus 19(47.5%) in group B and the difference in the role of prophylactic probiotics in the two groups was statistically significant. no Dr. Department of Pharmacology. Fatema Ershad Her Neurobehavioral and Biochemical Effects of High Dose Vitamin E-6 and Magnesium on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Final observations of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that people who received high-dose vitamin B6 plus magnesium. Their urine levels of homovanillic acid and creatinine dropped significantly after treatment from pre-therapy levels, and nearly 70 percent of the children had improved behavioral symptoms compared to those who received placebo therapy alone.

Dr. Asifur Rahman, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, His research was Radiological Outcomes of Posterior Fossa Decompression with or without Steth Cranioplantation and Duraplantation in the Treatment of Adult Chiari Malformation 1: A Unique Concept Development of Measurement Methodology. This study showed significant changes in the staph genioplasty category encouragingly in terms of postoperative radiological outcomes. More importantly, he believes that the method he has developed and described will play a significant role in future research on Chiari malformation 1 and in providing insight into patient management strategies.

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