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Rural women are artisans of safe food cultivation in Netrakona: Upazila Chairman Khairul

Reporter Name 431 Time View
Update : Sunday, October 16, 2022


Netrakona representative/

This year’s theme; Rural women grow safe food for all. Keeping this theme in mind, Rural Women’s Day was celebrated by the youth of Fachika village of Netrakona Sadar Upazila in Kalmakanda Uttar Lengura, Govindashri village of Madan. Indigenous women of Kalmakanda Lengura village display indigenous safe food, home grown vegetables, non-cultivated food resources at the fair.

Eltush Nakrek, Caritas regional officer, was present at the meeting. The members of Agrajatra Kishori organization of Fachika village of Netrakona Sadar upazila took the initiative to celebrate the day with the women of the village. Village women display safe home-grown food to show that rural women-farmed food plays a special role in building a better future. It is in the hands of women that a safe childhood of food is created for the child. Local government representative Mr. Khairul Islam, Bina Akhtar was present in the discussion.

In the event, seeds of 8 varieties of winter vegetables were distributed among the village women. The women of Mansoor village of Atpara upazila organized a fair of food grown by rural women in view of the day. Atpara Upazila Parishad Chairman Haji Khairul Islam, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, Upazila Women Vice Chairman and local government representatives were present as chief guests in the event. He highlighted the importance of safe food in front of everyone. It is said that the seeds of our diverse crops survive on the hands of rural women. Every village in Bangladesh is Sujla, Sufla, Hasya Shyamala. This village is a granary of various crops. Diversity still exists in our rural Bengal and the only source of sustaining it is the rural women. He helps himself and his neighbors in various ways. He planted various kinds of vegetables, medicinal plants, fruit trees etc. in his yard, cultivated crops according to his wishes or preferences. The courtyard of the house is decorated in an environmentally friendly way, there are various seasonal vegetable crops. Rural women grow gourd, bean, sweet gourd, cucumber, shrimp, chichinga, dhundal, rice pumpkin, tomato, sweet potato, various kinds of vegetables including potatoes, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, etc., besides round potato, bang potato, gold potato, boicha potato. , is maintaining crop diversity and conserving uncultivated food by cultivating plant potatoes, seed potatoes, bell potatoes, etc.

A rural woman is intimately involved in every task of seed collection, storage, vegetable cultivation, maintenance, pest control, application of fertilizers and pesticides, harvesting. Apart from household work, a woman is involved in various types of work from morning to evening. But we never consider him a farmer.

Agriculture, systems, structures are developed through careful practice of knowledge, experience of rural women. In this case, the vehicle of knowledge of local tradition is our rural women’s society. But seed and poison companies are stealing this knowledge and experience of women and taking over the market. The mother of all biodiversity, soil, environment is being destroyed. Biodiversity, seeds are disappearing, beautiful lives and family and social ties are being destroyed. Eco-friendly farming practices with no carbon emissions, use of indigenous knowledge in local farming methods, conservation of biodiversity, rural women are protecting the environment from generation to generation and the role of rural women’s society is outstanding for maintaining food security and overall balance.

There is a need to highlight the reality of rural women, consolidate their economic and social status, promote the role of rural women in protecting the agricultural environment, and biodiversity, and create awareness for realizing and empowering their rights. However, own agricultural systems and traditions will be preserved, preserved, biodiversity will be preserved, food security will be ensured.

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