Expedition to the Padma river in Kumarkhali to preserve mother hilsa

Zaker ALi Shuva: Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer’s office has conducted an operation in Kumarkhali Upazila of Kushtia on the initiative of Department of Fisheries to conserve mother hilsa.
Yesterday present in the operation conducted in Padma river Dr. Md. Abdul Latif, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock,, Nripendra Nath Biswas, District Fisheries Officer, Kushtia, Rajkumar Biswas, Assistant Director, Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer’s office and staff and Kumarkhali Thana Police. At this time nets were seized and at the end of the operation the seized illegal nets were destroyed at Kalwa Ghat.
Confirming the authenticity of the campaign, Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer Md. Mahmudul Hasan said that the campaign was conducted under the Hilsa Conservation-2022. This campaign will continue from 7-28 October 2022 AD: Bangla (22 Ashwin-12 Kartika 1429) year (22 days).