Are there really aliens on Mars?

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Scientists have been busy searching for life on other planets like Earth for a long time. Many people think that there may be aliens on the planet. There has been a lot of serious research on this.
However, this time, a NASA robot named Rover has given a surprising information. Since landing on Mars in 2020, the robot has sent images one after another to scientists. But one picture has left a response in all circles. Many are asking themselves, are there really aliens on Mars?
The rover took the picture of Mars last May 7. The picture shows a door-like hole under a mountain. And seeing that, the idea of aliens has become stronger among scientists. Seeing the image sent by the rover, British geologist Neil Hodgson commented that the image has aroused curiosity among all. But it seems to me, it is formed naturally from erosion of mountains.
Nicolas Mangold, a planetary geologist at the University of Nantes in France, agreed with Neil Hodgson. He thinks it cannot be a door. Because its height is less than three feet. Also, it may be that Martians are very short in height, so (its) door is small.