The world narrowly escaped: Zelensky
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the world had narrowly escaped a nuclear fallout.
The Zaporizhia nuclear plant was out of power for several hours on Thursday. Due to this, there is a danger of disaster.
After such an event, Zelensky said that the world had survived a nuclear disaster. He called on the international organizations to take immediate action to evacuate the Russian troops from the plant.
In this regard, President Zelensky said that a coal power plant located near the plant caught fire on Thursday due to shelling by Russian troops. This disconnects the plant from Ukraine’s national grid.
But diesel-powered generators quickly connect there and keep the plant’s cooling system running.
He added, “If our workers had not taken immediate action in this blackout (disconnection), we would have seen the devastation of a nuclear disaster now.”
He also said that Russia has put Ukraine and all of Europe in a position where we are one step away from nuclear disaster. Any minute Russian troops remain at the plant there will be the threat of a global radiological disaster.
Meanwhile, the Zaporizhia plant shut down on Thursday for the first time since its construction.
Source: Reuters